Zinc-based fertiliser. Inhibits rabbits and voles.
Inhibits the attraction of phytophagous lagomorphs to the crop.
Prevents the presence of rabbits and voles by keeping them away from the crop.
Characteristics and advantages
Topten is a totally harmless formulation. It should be taken into account that due to its root content from Gentian roots, it initially produces a bitter and biodegradable taste in the crop, which is enhanced by the presence of zinc. In this way, due to its anti-taste and anti-olfactant effect, it neutralises the presence of rabbits and voles on the crop.
For this reason, Topten should be applied in the early stages of crop development, precisely when the plant tissues are most tender and most attractive to these animals.
To prevent the presence of rabbits and voles in crops.
To prevent zinc deficiencies in deficient crops.
Mechanism of action
The application of high doses of zinc chelated by EDTA generates flavour enhancement in the crop, producing temporary alterations in the taste glands of rabbits and voles, keeping them away.
Likewise, due to its characteristic smell of magnolia, it masks the attractive smell of kairomonas, thus preventing them from being attracted to the crop.
Dosage and application
TOPTEN® attaches to the plant surfaces where it is applied and remains stable for two to four weeks, depending on rainfall, foliar treatments and other atmospheric parameters.
Apply by foliar spraying
Horticultural crops: 250 cc/hl.
Seedlings: 200-250 cc/hl.
Adult trees and vines: 200-250 cc/hl.
Cereals: apply in bands at a rate of 1 l/ha of treated area (equivalent to 300 cc/hl).
For voles (root application): 5 l/ha in drip irrigation.
Repeat after 7-10 days
Horticultural crops
Apply by foliar application in the seedbed or in the trays (prior to transplanting).
Reapply by foliar application one week after transplanting. From this moment on, it is recommended not to make any more applications.
In direct seeding, apply via foliar directly in the field at the beginning of germination.
Seedlings: Fruit trees, citrus, vines.
Spraying to all trees.
Adult trees and vines
Apply to the trunk of the tree. Do not apply to the aerial part.
Others: Ornamentals, turf and industrial.
Recommendations for use
Apply alone, without mixing with other products.
Due to its biodegradable bitter taste, Topten should be applied a maximum of three weeks before harvest.